Example of the construction of a case study
Take into account the following recommendations:
On this page you will find a description of the elements used in the construction of a case study for users to take as an example. Remember that a case study is built from data of water intakes, treatment plants and the objectives you want to achieve through the implementation of the NbS. Here's why:

- WaterProof relies on the geographic location of water intakes to suggest a basin area in which the NbS will be implemented
- Details of the elements and technologies that are part of the infrastructure of the water intakes and treatment plants are required, because it is assumed that when the NbS are implemented there are a series of savings in the maintenance and operation costs of the infrastructure.
Please follow the steps below:

case study
The example we offer is carried out for the Rio Frio basin in the municipality of Floridablanca, Santander, in Colombia, which is part of the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area that is supplied with water from the Suratá and Oro rivers. There are approximately 1.160.272 living people there, whose economy is based on the cultivation of beans, tobacco, poultry and the manufacture of footwear and leather goods, among other lines.