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Explore how Nature based Solutions can generate outcomes in your basin

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What is WaterProof?

WaterProof provides a rapid and indicative NbS investment portfolio and associated ROI. The tool is intended to engage stakeholders interested in exploring solutions to local water challenges and prioritization of locations for possible NbS water security programs (such as Water Funds).

Before starting
What is a case study
Support data
See an example
Who can use the system

You must be clear about the location of the analysis, infrastructure, budget and objectives of the NbS portfolio

It is the way to relate operation and maintenance cost of infrastructure with possible benefits of NbS

WaterProof uses global data for biophysical characterization, land use / land cover, and climate change scenarios, which have been configured as inputs to the InVEST and RiOS models

Here you will find a complete example of a case study with the description of all the elements and steps developed for its configuration. We hope that it serves as a guide to build your own case study

WaterProof is mainly aimed at professionals in charge of designing projects for the implementation of Nature-based Solutions. The general public can access openly.

Why use WaterProof?


Rapidly develop a pre-feasibility understanding for how NbS can generate water security outcomes


Clear analytics to promote stakeholder conversations


Platform offers flexibility to define custom elements & parameters to approximate your local conditions


We are committed to equipping local NbS actors with the information

Why use waterproof

How does WaterProof work?

Realize the Investment

Step beyond ROI assessment to learn about tangible steps you can take for advancing your NbS investment vision

icon realize the investment

WaterProof Learning

WaterProof presents a virtual course that provides access to explanatory materials highlighting the significance of Nature-Based Solutions for water security. Additionally, you will learn how to configure your case study. Feel free to reach out if you're interested in enrolling in the course.

icon realize the investment


Knowledge bank

Check here the conceptual elements that WaterProof uses to propose

Nature based Solutions and calculate the return on your investment

Developed by:

The Nature Conservancy

Whith the support of:

Moore fundation
This website is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through Grant GBMF7100 to support the work of WaterProof