Cost function for sludge pumping:
The original cost function (A1) for pumping sludge is as follows:
This has as variable (x) the sludge pumping rate in gallons per minute. Applying the conversion factors from gallons per minute to liters per second, applying a factor of 5% which represents the sludge production that occurs in a plant and applying the elasticity factor, the function obtained is as follows.
Preliminary Cost Estimation Models for Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plants. 2013. Jwala R. Sharma, Ph.D., M.ASCE; Mohammad Najafi, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE; and Syed R. Qasim, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE. |
¿Qué es una bomba de lodos y cómo funciona? |