Flocculation is a process in which the particles begin to join with each other, forming a larger one called floc, this due to the coagulant applied. Speed is a very important factor in this process because, if it is high, it will not form floc or the floc formed will break, changing its size again. There are two types of flocculators, namely:
Hydraulic flocculators
The hydraulic flocculation process occurs when there is a change in direction in the structure that produces the necessary turbulence for floc formation. The technologies used for this process are classified into vertical and horizontal.
Mechanical flocculators
Mechanical flocculators generally require a motor to generate the movement of the agitators, which can be paddles or turbines to promote the agitation conditions for the formation of the floc.
Titulo C Sistemas de potabilización. Recuperado el 18 de Julio de 2020. 2020. Ministerío de vivienda, Ciudad y Territorío. | https://www.catorce6.com/images/legal/Titulo_C_Potabilizacion.pdf
Articulo web que describe los tipos de floculadores | http://www.engineeringfundamentals.net/Floculadores/fundamentos.htm
TIPOS DE FLOCULADORES | https://www.academia.edu/24910629/TIPOS_DE_FLOCULADORES