Pondage or Raw Water Reservoir:
A pondage is a small reservoir, in which raw water is stored before it reaches the treatment system. In it, a long residence time of the water is generated which has two effects on the water.
In it, a long residence period of the water is generated that has two effects on it:
- Facilitates the sedimentation of particles the size of sand.
- It fulfills a homogenizing function in terms of quality and flow. In this way, the existence of a pondage has a positive impact on reducing the concentration of pollutants at the entrance to the treatment system
The above characteristics support the advantage of having a pondage upstream of treatment systems whose supply sources present high concentrations of solids or high variability in the representative parameters of water quality.
Hallaton: Environmental Linings. Applications. 2020. Hallaton. | https://hallaton.com/bel-air-water-impoundment-earns-outstanding-project-award/
MANUAL DE OPERACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO DE AGUA POTABLE Y SANEAMIENTO | http://ofi5.mef.gob.pe/invierte/general/downloadArchivo?idArchivo=892eb9df-ad43-4677-854e-05dd59b4044f.pdf