River Intakes:

Water intake constructions are those civil works and electromechanical equipment that is used to collect and adequately dispose of water from either surface or groundwater. The selection of the abstraction structure and its size will depend mainly on the location of the source, the flow of water to be abstracted (demand) and the changes in water level that may occur at the abstraction point.

The abstraction of surface water (rivers, lakes and reservoirs) is carried out by means of structures such as intakes (lateral, bottom and floating) and direct abstractions which take the water either by gravity or by a pumping system.


Tipos de obras de captacion y aducción. 2016. Instituto Universitario Poltécnico Santiago Mariño. | https://es.slideshare.net/CarlosXAcostaG1/tipo-de-obras-captacion

Obras de captación – Sistema de agua potable. 2021. CivilGeeks. | https://civilgeeks.com/2010/10/08/obras-de-captacion-sistema-de-agua-potable/


¿Sabe de dónde proviene su agua potable? | https://thewatershed.org/where-does-our-drinking-water-come-from/