Water Supply Systems:

The various types of water catchment depend, to a large extent, on the characteristics of the source, as well as the required flow, or what is the same, on the geological, hydrological and topographic characteristics of the area (USAID 2016 ).

Among the various types of surface water capture are:

a) weir, which is applied to rivers and streams that are shallow but have high speed and where the water is captured through grids and led to a sand trap;

b) infiltration wells and infiltration galleries, which are indirect catchments in the permeable stratum close to surface waters, that is, in the former, the water infiltrates into wells placed on one side of the river or lake bed and from there It passes to the conduction system and, in the latter, the water is infiltrated by the natural granular material of the river or stream, where a drainage system is responsible for conducting the water to a tank before being taken to the conduction system;

c) lateral intakes, which are carried out through channels built on the side of mighty rivers and which carry the water to a collecting tank; the mobile catchment that is built on a mobile platform on the banks of rivers that have variations in level, using pumping equipment;

d) floating catchment, which also uses pumps in its operation, is used for rivers, lakes and reservoirs and consists of a floating structure that is anchored to the bottom of the surface water;

e) submerged catchment, which are generally perforated tubes or tubes with a grid (they retain solids and prevent them from entering the system) that are placed at the bottom of the channel where the water is captured through pumps (CARE-AVINA 2012; USAID 2016) . [1]


Captación de ríos, lagos y embalses (reservorios). 2021. Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management Toolbox. | https://sswm.info/es/gass-perspective-es/tecnologias-de/tecnologias-de-abastecimiento-de-agua/captaci%C3%B3n-de-r%C3%ADos%2C-lagos-y-embalses-%28reservorios%29

[1] Operación y Mantenimiento de sistemas de agua potable - Modulo 5. 2012. CARE-AVINA. | https://sswm.info/sites/default/files/reference_attachments/CARE-AVINA%202012.%20Operaci%C3%B3n%20y%20mantenimiento%20de%20sistemas%20de%20agua_0.pdf


Requerimientos de agua, factores determinantes y Ingestas recomendadas | https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/nutwaterrequir.pdf

PRINCIPALES ESTRUCTURAS DE TOMA DE AGUA | http://www.fao.org/fishery/docs/CDrom/FAO_Training/FAO_Training/General/x6708e/x6708e07.htm