Sustaining or improving base flow:

Vegetation can intercept precipitation, slow surface water runoff, and increase temporary storage of groundwater in soils, floodplains, and riverbanks, which is later released slowly during the dry season to increase the magnitude and permanence of flows. low.

To determine the base flow, it is common to measure the rainfall on the surface, to estimate the infiltration, redistribution, evaporation and percolation of the waters through the unsaturated zone. However, it is common to get errors due to the uncertainty of the soil parameters, which can easily produce errors in the storage-discharge relationship of groundwater.


Sistema de Optimización de Inversión de Recursos. Introducción y Documentación Teórica. 2015. Natural Capital Project, et al.. |


Articulo que anliza cómo la regulación de caudales ha adquirido especial importancia a raíz de la construcción de grandes presas y canales de trasvase |