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This report organizes the financial data of NbS implementation into two groups: benefits and costs. The information is presented for the years parameterized in the user-defined ROI analysis timeframe. The system analyzes the benefits for turbidity treatment, dredging or sand trap maintenance, reservoir cleaning (elimination of algae), color treatment and elimination of organic pollutants, unavailability of water resources, carbon market. This is to be compared by the user against implementation, maintenance, transaction,and platform costs.
In this section you can analyze the Net Present Value NPV of the implementation costs of the selected NBS. Remember that the NPV refers to the projected cash flows, discounted to the present. It is a financial modeling method used to evaluate the profitability of investments and proposed projects to determine whether or not to invest in the project, given a user-selected discount rate, which expresses the cost of capital to be invested in the project.
For the selected discount rate, if NPV is positive, the project is profitable. But if the NPV is negative, the project is not profitable.
This section presents the sensitivity analysis of benefits and discounted costs using the minimum and maximum discount rates defined for the analysis. The continues line represents the result with the nominal discount rate.
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